Paris – San Francisco Artist Exchange
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San Francisco Artists: (Click on an artist's name for more information)
Annie Margaret Arrasmith
Dominique Bayart
Jonah Burlingame
Mitchell Durkee
Diane Rollins Feissel
Cheryl Finfrock
April Hankins
Gina Jacupke
Andrzej Michael Karwacki
Michele King
Jamie Krueger
Camilla Newhagen
Silvia Poloto
Ellen Rosenthal
Jeremie Roux
Ari Salomon
Catherine Small

Paris Artists: (for more information on these artists, see
Colette Birambo
Christiane Blanc
Jacques Blinderman
Gerard Breviere
Sonia Burel
Claudine Capdeville
Jean Chazy
François Cosson
Laure Coupey
Jacqueline Fauchere-Fruchere
Jean Robert Franco
Carole Fonteneau
Jean Claude Garnier
Isabelle Gaudin
Marina Haccoun-Lavikoff
Jean Jacques LaPoirie
Sophie Lang
Patrick Lipski
Danielle Loisel
Liliane Maurin
Halinka Mondselewski
Anne Paternostre
Jacques Pibot
François Retali
Marcel Roger
Véronic Roux Voloir

Chicago Artists: (for more information on these artists, see
Granite Amit
Laura Cloud
Ana Fernandez
Iris Goldstein
Cheri Reif Naselli
Charlotte Segal
Michelle Stutts
Mirjana Ugrinov
Chiyeko Yuki

Annie Margaret Arrasmith
Medium: clay monotype

About the artist’s work:
Annie Arrasmith creates hand-pull monotype prints using a paint made from kaolin, water and pure artist's pigments. Because kaolin is inert and artist's pigments are permanent, the finished piece is incredibly stable.The print is mounted onto a specially built box and wood panel. Her goal is to follow the process and make work with a living center, that breathes and vibrates, work that's alive.


"Blue Tigley" kaolin monotype mounted on panel 48"x48"

"Red Bite" kaolin monotype mounted on wood panel 48"x48"

"Wild Tigley" kaolin monotype mounted on wood panel 48"x48"

Detail of "Wild Tigley"

Dominique Bayart
Medium: printmaking, painting
Website: none yet; contact artist directly at

About the artist’s work:
I often struggle with the arrangement and rearrangement of shapes, along with applying the appropriate colors in order to explore spatial interaction between objects and backgrounds. The geometric elements often represent deconstructed thoughts. Black lines, if they appear, may seem to connect the conscious and the unconscious. Figures in some work are simplified representations, shadow-like, faceless and without details. Flat and contemplative, they seem to float on the canvass, in need of an answer for being there. While other works are intricate geometrical constructions, where lines and forms are more definite and obvious, or are a series of thin layers of colors melting into one another as in the impressions of landscapes paintings, the search for a balance between the inner self and the outer world is the focus point of my work.


Jonah Burlingame
Medium: painting

About the artist’s work:
The work of Jonah Burlingame is not an academic pursuit but rather an exploration of process and experimentation toward an aesthetic uprooted of any representation or symbolism. He doesn't try to reveal any truths but merely tries to guide serendipity to create something visually engaging.


"Just a Bait for Complacency"

"Black Spring"

"Isolation Breeds a Forced Bloom"

"It's the Etcetera That Concerns Me"

Mitchell Durkee
Medium: ceramic sculpture
Website: none yet; contact artist directly at

About the artist’s work:
Q: Take an interest in art , architecture, and mathematics then mix it with clay and an HIV diagnosis, and what do you get? A: A series of complex forms and patterns that coalesce into a style that I refer to as "Geometric Repressionism". The saturated colors of the curved surfaces act as an emotional anchor and represent the boundaries of a calm, contained universe. Meanwhile, along the dissected planes, geometric adornment is utilized to reveal an energy within. These layered patterns also act as a structural membrane which seems to support the forms I've created.


"Amplified Rhythms" Ceramic Sculpture 12"x17"x9" 2003

"Amplified Rhythms" Ceramic Sculpture 12"x17"x9" 2003

"Japanese Candy" Ceramic Sculpture 9" x 17 1/2" x 17 1/2" 2003 - front view

"Japanese Candy" Ceramic Sculpture 9" x 17 1/2" x 17 1/2" 2003 - back view

Diane Rollins Feissel
Medium: painting

About the artist’s work:
Diane's paintings are an ongoing exploration of the complexity of the human spirit, its quirks and its inconsistencies. Realism is the launchpad for her imagemaking; and much as realism involves a 2-dimensional interpretation of the 3-dimensional concept of space, her studies of motion and emotion strive to channel the multi-dimensional concept of time - and relation to the changeability of human nature - through a 2-dimensional format.


"chaos theory 1" oil on canvas 12"x12" 2005

"chaos theory 2" oil on canvas 12"x12" 2005

"chaos theory 3" oil on canvas 12"x12" 2005

"chaos theory 4" oil on canvas 12"x12" 2005

Cheryl Finfrock
Medium: painting, mixed media

About the artist’s work:
Cheryl Finfrock combines print, scratch, and paint to create colorful mixed media paintings on wood, canvas, and paper. With works steeped in narrative expressionism and a touch of whimsy, this native Texan has recently exhibited in Berlin and the Czech Republic.


"Sunny Side Up" mixed media on wood 18" x 18"

"Throwing the Light" mixed media on wood 18" x x18"

"Duck,Duck, Goose" acrylic on canvas 30" x 24"

"Red Robin" mixed media on wood 20" x 20"

April Hankins
Medium: painting

About the artist’s work:
More information soon.


Gina Jacupke
Medium: painting, mixed media

About the artist’s work:
Gina Jacupke has long explored unconventional practices in her art, such as embedding Chinese healing herbs in wax and resin. In this way she emphasizes her favorite themes of renewal, natural rhythms, and cycles of universal symbols. Some of her most recent works reference the architecture of the human body, while others inspired by ancient cultural designs such as checkerboards, crescent moons, and crosses.


"Blue Cell" oil, Chinese herbs, resin on canvas 60" x 48" 2005

"China Rap" oil, Chinese herbs, resin, foil on canvas 60" x 48" 2005

"Chorten" oil, Chinese herbs, flowers, resin on canvas 72" x 84" 2003

"Dionysus" oil, Chinese herbs, resin on canvas 84" x 60" 2005

Andrzej Michael Karwacki
Medium: painting

About the artist’s work:
Andrzej's paintings explore aspects of pop art culture and contemporary figure painting. His abstract paintings are explorations of color, texture, and imagination. With a background in architecture and figure illustration, Andrzej sees painting as a visual language between form and composition, color and emotion.


"allusion to summer" acrylic on canvas 60"x60"

"nature emerging" acrylic on canvas 72"x72"

"girl on the moon" acrylic on canvas 48"x48"

"I A WOMAN" acrylic on canvas 48"x48"

Michele King
Medium: mixed media, painting

About the artist’s work:
Michele King is interested in the innate beauty of imperfection and contrast, both thematically and in terms of her methods. She layers materials and imagery - using wood, aluminum, glass, paint, resin, wax, ink - to encourage oppositions. Her paintings and mixed media works are tactile and mood-evoking, a combination of abstract natural imagery, textile influenced patterns, and color and light studies. Contact information in San Francisco: 415.823.3545,,


"cherry tree" acrylic and resin on wood 22"x11"

"stillness" (panel #1 of 25) ink on aluminum 12"x12"

"suburban satellites" acrylic and resin on wood 12"x12"

"the pond was their home" acrylic and resin on wood 24"x48"

Jamie Krueger
Medium: photography

About the artist’s work:
Jamie Krueger's photography began simply as an attempt to document personal travel adventures. It has since evolved into a deeper exploration of architectural forms, history, antiquity, decay, the nature of permanence and impermanence, and the role of human beings within these constructs.

"Night Seascape- Hvar, Croatia" 11" x 14" 2001

"Ski Lift- Cortina D'Ampezzo, Italy" 11" x 14" 2003

"Hitchcock St.- The Presidio, San Francisco" 11" x 14"

Camilla Newhagen
Medium: painting and glass sculpture

About the artist’s work:
Camilla Newhagen was born in Copenhagen, Denmark and now lives in San Francisco. Her current work has an edge of irony and sarcasm commenting on human beings coping with bodily age and decay. She works in both two and three dimensions. Her work is represented by Micaela Gallery.



"4 hair pieces"



Silvia Poloto
Medium: painting

About the artist’s work:
Recognized for her dynamic compositions and color sensibility, Poloto exploits a vibrant visual vocabulary of boldness and subtlety. The result is a body of work characterized by equal amounts of surprise, playfulness and provocation.


"Undertones #1" mixed media on canvas 40" x 78" 2004

"Undertones #3" mixed media on canvas 57" x 57" 2004

"Urban Ore #1" mixed media on canvas 48" x 48" 2004

"Urban Ore #2" mixed media on canvas 48" x 48" 2004

Ellen Rosenthal
Medium: photography

About the artist’s work:
Ellen Rosenthal's photography is concerned with color, texture, incongruity, humor and, of course, light.


"Bugambilias Sofa"

"Despacho Juridico"

"Rusty wall"


Jeremie Roux
Medium: photography

About the artist’s work:
Photographer Jeremie Roux captures urban landscapes at night.


Ari Salomon
Medium: photography

About the artist’s work:
In his panoramic photography, Ari Salomon explores the nature of human perception through the constructed geometry of a landscape. These seamless wide-format photographs bridge the difference between traditional photographic representation and the brain's organic perception of visual reality.

"Paris, Bathroom" Panoramic Archival Digital Print 13" x 28.25" 2003

"Self-Portrait From Hotel Sofitel Chicago Water Tower" Panoramic Archival Digital Print 12" x 44" 2002

"Tokyo, Tsukiji Restaurant" Panoramic Archival Digital Print 15.25" x 33.25" 2004

Catherine Small
Medium: painting

About the artist’s work:
Catherine Small's current body of work presents intriguing yet vulnerable people in compositions invoking varying degrees of tension and desire. Painted in strong, vibrant colors, these oils on canvases feature the figures surrounded by flowing striped fabrics. Together, these images represent an observable harmony and beauty that may mask a complex ugliness.


"bath house#1" oil on canvas 20"x20"

"bath house#2" oil on canvas 24"x24"

"clothesline#1" oil on canvas, 60"x36"

"clothesline#2" oil on canvas, 60"x48"